Category: Tech-talk
Canned corn at Google’s cost
Well, here’s another poem and like my previous poem blogs, again not by me, but in reaction to email dissemination of my attempts at serious rhyme through poem.
A recipe for free lunch
So, there you go, there may not be a free lunch, but FOSS is definitely the recipe to prepare one for yourself! And if you get your recipe in GPL, better inform the recipe owner about that extra salt that you added after the tomatoes!
Kindling myself
After much ado on “to buy or not to buy”, against all reason, economics and rationality, I placed my order online for the Kindle.
Aint no pedia like Wikipedia
Bureaucracy was expected Morozov brings up the valid argument that bureaucracy is choking the cyclopaedia. No large institution was ever run as in a fly-by-wire manner in which small NGOs or garage-based companies are run. Bureaucracy is an expected consequence of such a mass collaboration….
Ping is my birthright and I shall have it…
I have a dream…. If Martin Luther King were born in the forests of BR Hills in Southern Karnataka during the nineties, apart from perhaps running into Veerappan, he could’nt have expected more adventure. Nonetheless, I am sure he would still have had a dream. His dream would have to do much more with owning…